Finding and comparing residency programs, and determining competitiveness is an important step toward finding the right fit for you. These tools can help you with this. Take a look through these resources, and reach out to your advisory dean or faculty advisor for additional advice any time.
- AMA FREIDA: A database of (most) residency programs in each specialty across the country.
- Charting Outcomes in the Match: The National data from each match cycle is posted here. You can search by specialty to learn more about the Match outcomes for the specialties you are considering.
- Residency Program Directors Survey 2022: This contains survey data from residency program directors across specialties. Find out what program directors in each specialty value and look for in a residency candidate.
- NRMP Interactive Match Data Tools: National Residency Match Program. This is the website through which you rank your residency programs (after you interview) and they coordinate the Match process.
- Texas Star (link coming soon)
- AAMC Residency Explorer: This is another database that allows you to search for residency programs and compare your statistics/qualifications with previous applicants who have matched in the specialty of choice. The data in this site is from the NRMP match data.
- MedMap: This database allows you to search by location for residency programs by specialty in geographic areas of choice. It can also be useful to search by more than one specialty if you are considering couples matching and want to find locations where both specialties have programs.